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WESTSIDE DEADLIFTS and other principles


Mar 17, 2016
Anyone use WESTSIDE??? Im curious how they never do deadlifts off the floor unless in a meet. Instead they do Good mornings or other dead variation like rack pulls or whatever...I'd think this would be ok for awhile but if I trained the whole meet prep w/o pulling from the floor in my competition stance I would feel I'd lose strength!!! Even If you pull deads from a deficit which is harder it's a different lift in a way and starting from the floor with regular bar height may be rusty in that one spot. For example many think rack pulls are easier and they are... But It starts mid shin to knee level depending on preference and It takes a few sessions to get broken in for me..I cant just add 100lbs over my max and pull it from mid shin... Im sure I could if I practiced it but Id lose strength off floor if I neglected that for 2-3weeks.. So I will use the conjugate method but do some light lifts after the ME alternate lift in competition stance in all 3 ... Or atleast do regular lifts cycled in every 6 weeks ... Im just wondering who here if ANYONE has followed WESTSIDE to a T and gotten good results..
I have taken many things from Louie Simmons articles and especially Dynamic day have made HUGE gains in my bench...For some reason my dead and squat do not soar after adding speed work but my bench will go up within 1 SESSION!!!! If I miss speed day more than 1 week it will decrease....I even hit speed bench super light (50% for 10x2 no bands) on week before my meet...everything else is off but 3-4 days b4 Ill do speed bench then light abs and cardio... Sorry for the rant just getting all this shit out of my head...I drive my training partners crazy in group chat just spitting out random thoughts and ideas but I LOVE it barbell22