- Mar 17, 2016
- 559
- 4
ANYone watching Thor compete in his own powerlifting meet>? He hits squats of 970 and keep in mind hes like 7 foot tall or some shit lol and has not powelifted 100% his whole carrer by anymeans like most duded his level. Havent seen his bench ,dead or total yet but if he doesnt bomb out hes goin to have a INSANE total and be up there...NOW Brandon Allen already came out on IG busting ballsa saying people better not compare his total to "theirs" aka top PL as hes at his own meet on hes turf etc...IMO thats BS as a totals a total but he was saying it is harder at the big meets like KERNS or BIGDOGS where there money is up 4 grabs and people are taking attemots to WIN not just to have big total or PR... BUT THOR has competed at WSM which has way large crowds and television views and knows how to lift to win and compete under pressure...IMO Brandon ALLEN sounded jealous and immature... Now Im a Big Z fan,KAZ,old guys like Jon Paul etc but always dislike Thor till recently...Im hoping he competes with Allen and destroys him lol