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Recent meet recap


Nov 29, 2016
Competed yesterday.leading up to the meet I was sick for about 2 weeks.then right before the meet I had liquid ass for the whole week and even after weigh ins.strained my groin about 2 weeks out also.weighed in at 175. Had horrible bloating and stomach problems after weigh ins.

Meet day

1st 500 felt pretty bad in the groin and felt like I literally just got out of bed
2nd 512 went smooth and wish I would have picked 518 instead but groin still hurting
3rd 523 failed about 2/3 of the way up probably could have grinded it out but groin said no thanks

1st 314 super easy and had long press commands
2nd 336 easy as well and long press command again
3rd 348 got one red for uneven lockout but moved pretty quick

1st 545 decided to try and pull conventional because of groin being so bad.moved fast but hurt like a mother fucker
2nd 573 decided to pull sumo.felt better and still lots of pain
3rd played it safe and went with 589 because I wanted to make sure I got a decent number up.moved okay considering the injury

1 week prior to meet tried to pull 570 and didn't even budge.

Left with meet pr In squat and bench. Deadlift wasn't a pr because I pulled 607 in July but it didn't count toward my total in july.totalled 1450 at 175 which is 50 lbs from what I was wanting but considering the circumstances I was happy with it.moving forward I'm going to be coached by a friend who pulls 740 at 250 and just started gear 7 weeks ago.will upload meet video if anyone is interested.

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A few pics

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great job bro...You may want to blot out face in pics unless your open about AAS or you dont do AAS ...either way...But great job especially with the prep issues and such...USPA very strict and sometimes (IMO) to much!!!
great job bro...You may want to blot out face in pics unless your open about AAS or you dont do AAS ...either way...But great job especially with the prep issues and such...USPA very strict and sometimes (IMO) to much!!!

My guess is he's not so concerned, ( never know ), but the vid had audio I'd be more concerned with, { if even a concern...? }

Great job there brother kj.

Take it in strides, Rome wasn't built in a day, and don't sustain any injuries, trying to progress too fast, work on weak points, listen to coach, he sounds like a knowledgeable "Big" fella..!

Stay Inspired.

Figured lol^^^ Just something for him to consider....
(those squats tho >>>lol...talk about ATF.... No doubt on depth !!!) Great job bro
After watching video I think you def got alot more in you bro...Next time with a healthy prep you'll smash through the 1500 total IMO ...
Are you always lifting at @181? (think its 181 in USPA right? something like that in lbs...hate when they use kilos)
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I was gonna go up to 198s so I can eat as much as I want and not be dehydrated but since I was able to cut all the way to 175 I may do the next meet at 181s again. I may have cured the tendinitis that's been bothering me for months in the bicep and forearm area and once my groin is good to go I know all the weak points I need to work on. Upper back,hamstrings and conditioning my body for volume work on squats and deads.Next meet I plan on a 3x bw squat 2xbw bench and a 623 deadlift at least. I'm not far off those right now. I was 13lbs from a 3x bw squat and 2 lbs off of a 2x bw bench.

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Nice job despite being so uncomfortable. Next time you will nail it!

So now go take a break :)