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Brian's Better Body


Active member
Apr 6, 2016
Okay, I'll kick-start this part of the forums back into gear. This year I started living my big dream (even bigger than having the perfect muscle body, believe it or not) of creating a feature-length film. And it looks like my dream will be realized by combining my love of film and my need to get in better shape, as I create a documentary designed to encourage couch potatoes to improve their health and strength. As one small part of the film, I will be working to transform my own physique; if I'm going to claim I can make a film helping other men to get in better shape, I'd better have the body to prove it. This should give me an added element of motivation and consistency for my own life, knowing that at the end of the film I will need to look a whole lot better than at the start.

* Cardio: Athletic Track
- 2.25 miles jog/walk

Sundays are my rest day, but I am also on a quest to complete 366 miles of pedestrian cardio (walk, jog, hike, any calculable distances on foot) by the end of the year, so I still go out for a jog. Today I was strangely fatigued so there was a lot of walking mixed in.

* The starting progress check for my role in the film.


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Wait ... that's very weird. When I first looked at "Training Journals/Logs" just an hour ago, there were NO 2024 posts. Now all of a sudden there are several. I have no idea what caused that but I shall retract my first sentence about kick-starting this forum, since I am indeed NOT the first to post here since the site's revival.